The Villa
Three connected but independent Ca's

Cà Gallio includes three “Càs” (from Italian “casa” – “home”).
Fully refurbished, yet preserving the original layout, this stone house embodies the essence of life as it was at the beginning of the 20th century.
Each house is independent and can be rented separately. If you wish to book all three houses, do not hesitate to contact us.

Cà del Lessi
Cà del Doro
Cà del Baldi

Al fresco retreats
Enjoy terraces and picnic areas for leisurely days.
Cà del Lessi and Cà del Doro share a terrace, whilst Cà del Lessi has a small private terrace as well. A cozy terrace with parasols is shared between Cà del Doro and Cà del Baldi. A private picnic area with breathtaking Lake Como views is available for our guests.
Shared terrace
Shared terrace
Shared terrace
Picnic area